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Early Bonfire in Peterhead

We were in Peterhead on Saturday evening – and just about to leave and we saw lots of thick black smoke in the sky which seemed to be coming from the direction of the harbour. So we headed off to investigate. It seems that a fire had started where a pile of wooden pallets were stored. Very spectacular. Fortunately I had the camera in the car, see below!

Here is the close up which is best I could do from the nearest point of access.

Elephant on the street at Peterhead

Well I never though that I would see this – but when walking up the street in the Peterhead shopping centre I saw an Elephant walking around!!!! Here is the proof!

Now I expect that you would think that this is not a real elephant! You would be right of course – is my brother in law – Iain getting up to some antics as part of a promotional activity. We did not find out what was being promoted tho ;-). Also in the photo are Fiona (my daughter) and Hollie (her dog).

I was also able to record a short video of his antics which can be viewed on YouTube – see below 😉